Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Richar Farr Bio

Richar' Farr A thirty year veteran of the Film and Television industry.

A thirty year veteran of the Film and Video Wars. Starting his career at Kris TV5 an NBC affiliate in Corpus Christi, Texas. This was 1976 and a time where Richar' quotes the "Film Guys", saying "Ah Video, It's Just A Fad".

And what a fad it was. Richar's talent for the visual medium of Video and film was quickly recognized it was ,"A very exciting time", Producing, Directing, and Editing for the upper echelon's of the news and entertainment industry.

Then after 15 years in the A list of production professionals. During a week long ski vacation Richar' discovered Grand Junction, Colorado.This became Richar's adopted "Hometown". Starting his very successful independent production company "Lazer Productions", Richar' work and contributions to the community where honored when selections of his work was placed in a time capsule at the Chamber of Commerce's offices in Grand Junction.

But He didn't stop there. Moving to Florida in 1990 through a set of extremely fortunate events Richar' found himself Working Developing The First "Interactive Video CD", then Richar' Became introduced to the First Non-Linear digital edit system where he says, "They Just Did not work quite right. But we all new they were on to something".

Advancements came quick and Richar' found himself activity participating in the development testing of most the systems in use today. N.A.S.A came calling and Richar' worked as a technical adviser for Cape Canaveral's television and 3D graphics contractors. Then came Disney.

During the setup and operations of N.A.S.A.'s production facility Richar' was asked by the lead team for what was to become Disney Multimedia to help them setup a non-linear editing system. While getting the system in order Disney People asked Richar' to edit one piece for them. Well from that one edit job the projects with Disney never stopped. In fact the doors opened at Disney and, "It Changed My Life".

Today, Richar' continues to do exactly what he loves. Producing, Editing, and creating visuals that motivate, inspire while giving his clients the biggest bang for the buck.

Richar' Farr - Englewood,Colorado - 720-338-2289


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